Captain Rakesh Walia began his life journey as a young orphan and battled the hardships life threw at him by using his strength of will as weapon, and was able to fulfil his childhood dream of joining Indian Army as a proud Officer. He later went on to become a grand success in the corporate world. These real life experiences of his makes him one of the best motivational speakers, not just in Delhi NCR, but in whole of India.

Though a lot of motivational speakers tend to observe other people’s lives and then share their views with the masses, the top motivational speakers are the ones who speak out of their own experiences. Captain Walia falls in the same league of people and hence, is a well-liked personality and one of top motivational speakers in Delhi NCR. He is also approached by many colleges and corporates likewise for speeches throughout India.

His calm yet passionate demeanour makes him instantly connect with the people who hear him speak and his compelling story leaves them moved beyond words.
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